E-Learning Success: From Courses to Careers
by Susan Smith Nash
$34.95 paperback/$10.10 Kindle
2012, 394 pages, 6 x 9
Cover illustration & interior drawings by Susan Smith Nash
ISBN: 978-0-9850081-0-9
LCCN: 2012930118
Order through Amazon.com.
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E-Learning Success: From Courses to Careers is a wide-ranging, robust, and always useful collection of articles that help you succeed in your online courses, complete your online program, and to find a satisfying career in an ever-changing world. Many of the most common worries and concerns are addressed as Dr. Susan Smith Nash, who has designed, developed, and administered e-learning and m-learning programs in a wide range of fields, guides you on your path. You'll enjoy the humor, the quirky perspective, and the always upbeat and positive tone of the articles, even as you mine them for information that you can put to work today. Nash has received numerous awards and recognitions for her articles, blogs, and programs she has designed, and she is known as a turnaround specialist, who can take flagging programs and put them on their feet so that they start carrying their weight in their organization and contributing to the overall prestige, mission, and bottom line.

Susan Smith Nash has had a passion for e-learning since the mid-1990s, when she started developing com- panion websites for her face-to-face literature and humanities courses. Since that time, she has been involved in all phases of e-learning course and program development for Open-Courseware, professional development, career training, and degree and certificate programs. Delivery methods include both 100% distance and hybrid programs for delivery with e-learning/m-learning across an array of devices and technologies.
A believer in diversification, Susan has taken a multi-disciplinary approach to life, bringing together environ- mental, energy, and geological sciences and technologies with economics,
literature, film, and the humanities. Susan's publications include peer-reviewed articles and chapters on aspects of e-learning, as well as literature, humanities, film studies, and petroleum technologies. She has written short stories and novels, and her poems have been collected in several volumes. Her hobbies include cartooning, tennis, and admiring D.I.Y.