by Robert Murray Davis
2009, 30 pages
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A series of bop-inflected prose poems juxtaposed with photos and “road kitsch” images, that chronicle a drive across the continental U.S., ending in eastern Canada.
intersection: crossing, converging, meeting, junction, Canadian term interchange—less confining, limiting than exit/entrance describe time space meeting, sharing brief identity not just trip 10,000 miles 5 time zones 20 states 4 provinces 30 beds gift shops measureless to man lives identities overlaying merging shifting moving on….

Robert Murray Davis taught in five American, two Canadian, and two Hungarian universities over forty-five years. He has also lectured and given poetry readings in a dozen countries. Besides literary criticism and scholarship, much of it on Evelyn Waugh and on the American West, he has published four books of creative nonfiction, including Mid-Lands: A Family Album, The Ornamental Hermit: People and Places of the New West, and Midlife Mojo: A Guide for the Newly Single Male, and the cultural study The Literature of Post-Communist Slovena, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. His collection of personal essays Valedictions will be published in fall 2011. Currently he lives in Arizona and is an independent writer and consultant.