Root and Shoot
by Nathan Leslie
$22.95 paperback/$3.38 Kindle
2015, 262 pages, 6 x 9
Cover and interior photography
by Mark Worthington
ISBN: 978-0-692-52048-2
ISBN-10: 0-692-52048-1
Order through CreateSpace: www.createspace.com/5689418
Root and Shoot offers fifty two of Nathan Leslie's best new flash and short fiction pieces. Featuring stories published in Boulevard, Shenandoah, Gargoyle, Red Rock Review, JMWW, Hobart and Cimarron Review, among many others. Root and Shoot pokes its warm muzzle into the fictional loam. There is a bit of everything for everyone in this eclectic collection: crab islands, subway surfers, make out clubs, lizard-outfit-wearers, toll road operators, obsessive children, the indigent and homeless, the rankled and weary, the neurotic and fearful, the resentful and lonely, and those who defy description. Seven years in the making, Root and Shoot is a comprehensive tour-de-force by an author stretching his wings.

Nathan Leslie's nine books of fiction include Madre, Believers, and Drivers. His previous book of stories, Sibs, was published by Aqueous Books in 2014 and his novel, The Tall Tale of Tommy Twice, was published by Atticus Books in 2012. He is also the author of Night Sweat, a poetry collection. His short stories, essays and poems have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines including Boulevard, Shenandoah, North American Review, and Cimarron Review. Nathan was series editor for The Best of the Web anthology 2008 and 2009 (Dzanc Books) and he edited fiction for Pedestal Magazine for five years. He is also currently co-editor for a fiction anthology, Shale, also published by Texture Press. His website is www.nathanleslie.com and check him out on Facebook and Twitter.