Shiva Dancing
by Van Hartmann
$14 paperback 2007 (2nd edition), 72 pages, 7.8 x 4.7
ISBN: 978-0964183766
Print copy available through Amazon.com
or directly from Texture Press.
Shiva Dancing takes the reader on a journey across a physical and emotional landscape of loss, grieving, and renewal. The poems are lyrical and elegiac.
They probe the multiple layers through which we experience the loss that comes with living and the redemption made possible by exploring that loss with honesty, concreteness, and compassion. Each poem is set in motion by a concrete observation or recollected moment that releases its own organic stream of poignant associations. The result is an embodiment, in each poem and in the collection as a whole, of the complex energies and perceptions that define our most human experiences.

Van Hartmann teaches literature and film studies at Manhattanville College, in Purchase, New York, and lives with his wife in Norwalk, Connecticut. His poems have appeared in numerous journals. Shiva Dancing is his first book-length collection.