Sunflowers and Zinnias
by Franklin L. King
2010, 100 pages
ISBN: 978-0979757372
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Evocative poems that explore innocence, desire, and the haunted reaches of perception.
The Sunflowers of my Texas youth grew wild. Zinnias had to be planted and tended. I am both.
These works were not written to be published. They were only expressions sent to a friend. They are primitive in that they do not embrace the conventional styles of poetic expression. That the words are from the heart is the only defense that I have to give.
November Rain
The red dawn appears with mackerel sky and backing
wind. Hold my hand for darkening clouds sail quickly upon
invisible paths of air.
Gentle drops begin to fall; to moisten dry November fields.
From distant ponds and streams, frogs acknowledge the
nativity of rain. Soon meadows are hidden from view as
showers descend to cover us as one.
Water runs along the edges of yellow leaves, congregates
about the tips; then falls to earth in collective voice.
Thunder sounds and crows in vocal protest fly to larger
oak, to the heart of the storm they flee. Forest odors of
fallen wood, yellow leaves and winter herb abound.
Blue appears among the clouds and golden rays of gothic
light touch rain soaked fields and meadow pond.
Prairie rainbow at twilight’s edge; the land is still.
Praise for Sunflowers and Zinnias
“Franklin expresses such genuine emotion through these very personal poems. Written for different milestones in his life, he clearly expresses the pride, love, and happiness of these important events. I encourage you to read these special moments.”
—Amy (Amazon.com)

Franklin Lafayette King was born in the Panhandle of Texas and spent much of his youth on the Blackland Prairie. He received a commission from the University of Texas, Austin and soon became involved in the Vietnam Conflict. After additional academic preparation, he moved to the foothills of the Appalachians. In addition to combat, he experienced both the eyes of a hurricane and a F4 tornado; events that were to influence much of his later work.