Imagine the teacher you see every day in front of the blackboard being a witch.
And all the teachers in your school are witches. Imagine these witches changing children into used toothbrushes, broken toys, and cracked picture frames.
What to do? They must be vanished!
According to Grandpa Sigismund, it is possible to vanish even the most evil witch into a perfectly innocent and pleasant lady. The witch vanishers, however, have died out. Except for one.
Unfortunately, he has taken on a special job and is not allowed to vanish witches anymore. That’s why seven-year-old Rob has to learn the art.
But vanishing witches is devilishly dangerous! To avoid mistakes you must leaf through thousands of forgotten books. Do you really want to climb up and down dusty bookshelves? Isn’t it easier to just read the book you’re holding in your hand?
In this book, our hero vanishes a pack of witches and frees all the bewitched children.

Jana Bauer writes for children and lives with her husband and a four-year-old son in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Three things have influenced her writing: a happy childhood with the father who taught her to have dreams, worldwide travels with her husband (bestselling author and internationally performed playwright, Evald Flisar), and the birth of their son Martin, whom she would also like to have dreams. Although her books are aimed mostly at primary school children, they can be enjoyed by imaginative adults as well. What gives her stories a special quality are a firm plotline, minutely observed characters and a deviously humorous narrative style. The Witch Vanisher was short-listed for Večernica, the highest award for children’s literature in Slovenia.