The three cornerstones of effective mobile learning are authenticity, collaboration, and personalization.
One great way to build in the authenticity is to include video snippets that trigger thoughts and give guidance. Snippets that have to do with writing can nicely tie to the learner's individual needs, and encourage collaboration, or at least a conversation.
This book contains free resources to incorporate into your online courses – they are snippets primarily focused around the writing process, but also include many prompts for writing having to do with leadership, literature, and travel/discovery. All are in available for free via YouTube, and are designed to be easily embedded or linked to. They also contain notes and suggestions for use.
The video snippets are actually learning objects, and they are sufficiently granular to be used in many places in a single course. They are also ideal for micro-learning (or chunked learning).
This collection, with all its spontaneity and unusual venues, can be incorporated directly, or inspire instructors and students to create their own snippets and use them within their m-learning courses.

Susan Smith Nash has designed and developed instructional programs and materials for online and mobile delivery since the late 1990s.
Her latest books on designing and developing learning programs using the software program, Moodle, are available from Packt Publications.