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Susan Smith Nash

Susan Smith Nash examines poetics and the convergences of text, media, and culture in recent articles published in Big Bridge, Gargoyle, Talisman, Golden Handcuffs Review, and World Literature Today. She functions as managing editor for Texture Press, and maintains an edublog, www.elearningqueen.com where she is assistant to the faithful Corgi, the Queen. Her column, “The Psychic Sponge’s Guide to Zeitgeistland” is a regular feature on Press 1. She lives in Norman, Oklahoma.

Route 66, Kitsch, Memorabilia, and the Artifacts of Recollection

Her professional career as a petroleum geologist was launched at the height of one of the many oil “boomlets” in recent times, which meant her formative years were spent coming to terms with the subsequent oil “bust” (which lasted much longer than the boom itself). The boom-bust cycles she has lived through prepared her for the labyrinthine journeys the mind takes when confronted with unexpected shifts in fortune (and one’s idea of reality). It also motivated her to continue her studies in business, economics, and in English, where she earned a master’s degree (emphasis in writing) and a Ph.D. Her Ph.D. focused on the use of the apocalyptic narrative by mad messiahs and doomsday cult leaders. Since that time, she has stayed connected to geology, while also bringing together her diverse backgrounds by devoting a great deal of time and energy in elearning, mlearning, and other innovative knowledge and technology transfer approaches. The desire to find connections and see the unexpected parallels and coincidences in life informs her writing, which ranges from critical essays, articles on elearning, poetry, and fiction. Her previous book, Good Deeds Society, received recognition in Slovenia, and was used to encourage school children to find ways to do good deeds at home, at school, and in the environment.

Books by Susan Smith Nash:

Texture Press
1108 Westbrooke Terrace, Norman, OK 73072