The Seven Woods of Coole
by Franklin L. King
$16.95 paperback/$2.05 Kindle
2013, 228 pages, 6 x 9
Cover and interior art by Franklin L. King
Photographs by Franklin L. King,
Franklin L. King, IV,
and James Allison King
ISBN-10: 0615816916
ISBN-13: 978-0615816913
Order through Amazon.com or CreateSpace.
A doomed love set against the turmoil of the landless poor, the Anglo-Irish aristocracy and the British Crown.
A Yeats scholar earlier fails to acknowledge the question of a romantic relationship between Lady Gregory, a co-founder of the Irish Literary Revival, and W. B. Yeats, the Poet Laureate and Noble Prize Winner of Ireland. A love only suggested in the past is hurled into the present through the discovery of a series of paintings.
Praise forThe Seven Woods of Coole
“An intriguing and fascinating story, which captured my attention from beginning to end. I have difficulties maintaining interest for a novel, but this one spurred my interest from the first page to the last.”
—Amy (Amazon.com)

Franklin Lafayette King, Jr. was born in the Panhandle of Texas and spent much of his youth on the Blackland Prairie. He received a commission through the University of Texas in Austin and soon became involved in the Vietnam Conflict. After additional academic preparation, he moved to the foothills of the Appalachians. In addition to combat, he experienced both the eyes of a hurricane and a F-4 tornado, events that were to influence much of his later work. Mr. King is a frequent visitor to Europe from which much of the inspiration for this book was derived. He is the author of Hauntings of a Summer Moon, Sunflowers and Zinnias, The Poet Who Writes Upon Water and The Woman in the Window—all published by Texture Press.